Thursday, January 18, 2007

Learning Some Funky Music

My dad and I have been talking for a couple days about getting a band together to play some songs people will actually dance to and enjoy. He wants to create some melody transitions so we don't have to keep stopping every time a song is over.

He has some songs in mind he wants to do. He asked me if I knew any songs off the top of my head I might like to do, and I immediately said "Thriller". He kind of teased me with the idea a little, but then said that it would be fine. So I burned a copy of the song for him, and he learned the guitar parts.

He said the only real issue with the song is the fact that Michael Jackson has had so much bad publicity. He also said however that not everyone likes "Celebration" and all the other songs we're going to be doing. Everyone has different tastes. He said as long as we keep the music going and don't stop between songs, it'll seem like it was just a song thrown in there and not a big deal. So I was happy to hear that.

My job now is to find some other songs I'd like to do. I will have to go through my music to see what all I can sing. He said I'll most likely sing a majority of the songs because I have the right voice for it. In addition, I'll either play saxophone or keyboards for each song.

I'd like to record some of the practices and upload some of the material to the internet so people can listen. I know this is my blog, but I do hope the recordings aren't projected as being all about me. It is a band after all, and each individual contributes something important. I shun any suggestions that one guy makes a band, because truthfully that's just ridiculous. Anyway, keep a lookout for the recordings if you're interested.

1 comment:

adsims2001 said...

┓┓┓┓┓┃ BECOME
┓┓┓┓┓┃ AN
┓┓┓┓┓┃ HERO