See the difference there? It's not entirely perfect. There are some small glitches in the way the engine interprets the solidity between the two sides, but they can be worked out with time.
It's true that I've been slow in the past few days. I have to remind myself to rest and allow myself to do other things besides work on the ProSonic engine, so that's what I have been doing. There's still plenty of reason to continue to see more updates posted here as the days progress.
I've also been looking for a little more promotion of the engine as of late. There's still many people who don't know about it or what it even is. I haven't done a heavy load of advertising because I figured the blog would sell the idea itself, which it has for the most part. However, as the engine moves closer to the possibility of a public demo, I'm starting to think more about getting more people interested. It would be a great deal of help to me if some readers could spread the word a little. Perhaps link people to the FAQ or show some screen captures I have all over my blog.
I can most definitely help with this =P
Aye, I'll start telling (more) people about it.
I will post it on my site. Count me in.
I feel I should mention that the effort you all and others have made have been excellent! The main point of this blog post was to try and get some more people involved, and you know, try and get more activity going. Just wanted to make sure you guys understood that this isn't a "you're not helping" or "you need to do more" thing.
Again, thank ya! =)
Are Sides limited to 0 and 1, or will there be more than that? (Not entirely sure how one would effectively use more than 2 layers, but eh)
I thought of supporting 4 sides, but I changed my mind because I seriously doubt anyone would take advantage of more than 2. If anyone has any ideas what more than 2 might be good for, I'm willing to listen, but otherwise I'll stick with 2 for now.
Hey, looks good! I was reading th FAQ tho and I think supporting porting back to roms would be good so one could play th game on other systems i.e. portable devices like th PSP or on th Dreamcast or any other console that has Genesis emulators.
Why bother though? I'd have to make the engine 'limit' what you can do in order to get it working on the Genesis. You can create Sonic Genesis game equivallents with this that run on PCs, Macs, Dreamcast, Nintendo DS, PSP, XBox, etc. Why bother supporting something that is extremely outdated and limited? I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not saying make games that are in 3D and use millions of colors and high-res this and OpenGL that... but you can make Genesis-style Sonic games on a computer that you're running right this second. So I don't see any benefit in supporting the Genesis, which few people even play anymore except if it's an emulator (which runs on a computer, which defeats the purpose of making it a Genesis game). See where I'm coming from there?
yea I see what you mean but maybe if you made a seperate mode of it where it could support th genesis, maybe a different file type or somn...th only reason I'm interested in this is cuz I play roms on my psp and it'd be cool to make your own game and be able to play it in th car or a long trip somewhere. regardless, keep up th good work
Saxman, just remember to take your time. Don't worry about finishing this engine, work on it when you can. Your social life is more important than overworking yourself for a thankless community of anonymous people (Aside of WoK, he and I are a few who actually respect your work)
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